Tuesday, March 20, 2012

These are my favorite pictures. This is my animal morph i don't think it turned out that good. 
Shutter:1/8 Aperture:f/2.8 ISO Speed:320
This is my ice picture. I like how the green thing is just sitting there by its self. 
Shutter:1/100 Aperture:f/4.0 ISO Speed:80
This one of my favorite pictures. I took this during out compisition assiment  it shows leading lines and horisontal lines.
Shutter:1/250 Aperture:f/4.0 ISO Speed:80

Friday, March 16, 2012

These are my pictures for ice. I like this one because the lines the ice make, they are going all different ways and the dirt in the background contrast with the texture of the ice.
Shutter:1/200 Aperture:f/4.0 ISO Speed:80 
This picture kinda reminds me of mountains and I like how the ice is so smooth.
Shutter:1/250 Aperture:f/4.5 ISO Speed:80
Shutter:1/100 Aperture:f/4.0 ISO Speed:80
Shutter:1/500 Aperture:f/5.6 ISO Speed:1000

Thursday, March 15, 2012

This is my animal morph. Well this is my cat and it took a really long time to get a picture that a could use. Then I put my eyes and mouth on it and it looks kinda like its mental. 
Shutter-1/8 Apertrue-f/2.8 ISO Speed-320

Thursday, March 1, 2012

These are  my pictures I took on difrent depths of feild. This one has a long depth of feild, stuff that is clouse is in focous and stuff that is far away is still in focous. I like this picture because it also has leading lines. The fence and the shadow of the fence make leading line and the cat is what they are leading to.
 Shutter-1/250 Aperture-f/.40 ISO Speed-80

In this picture I set the camra to the macro setting. That gave the picture a smaller depth of feild, so it is focoused on a small spot an the rest is blurry.
Shutter-1/100 Aperture-f/3.2 ISO Speed-125

In this picture I zoomed the camra almost all the way in. That gave me an even smaller depth of feild, so it is only focused on a tiny little part.
Shutter- 1/125 Aperture-f/3.7 ISO Speed-160