Wednesday, February 15, 2012

These are my pictures form our assiment on composition. I took this picture while was waliking around in my back yard. This picture was took right next to a old burn pile, and think it looks interesting with the bunt wood in the background.  I  took this picture from a cupple diffrent angels but I chose this one because I like the background. This was my picture for the rule of thirds.
Shutter-1/160 Aperture-f/4.0 ISO Speed-80

 I think this picture is cool because when you look at it your eyes are drawn to the glass ball, and the lines kinda frame it.This picture is for diaginal lines.
Shutter Speed-1/320 Apertrue-f/4.0 ISO Speed-80

 When I was taking picture my cat wouldnt leave me alone. He kept fowlling me every where, it was kinda anoing but I am glad  now because I got this picture. This is my picture for leading lines.
Shutter Speed-1/250 Aperture-f/4.0 ISO Speed-80
I like how in this picture it is focused on the one line and the others are kinda blurry. This picture is for horisontal lines.
Shutter Speed-1/200 Aperture-f/4.0 ISO Speed-80

This picture is of a really old scail, I think the inside of it is really unique. But it was kinda hard to take this picture because there is a piece of glass in frount of it. This is my picture for curved lines.
Shutter Speed-1/40 Aptertrure-f/2.8 ISO Speed-1000

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