Wednesday, May 30, 2012

These are my pattern pictures 
 I think this looks cool because of the angle, if you looks close you can see dust on it. 
Shutter-1/15 Aperture-f/3.2 ISO Speed-320
 Shutter-1/200 Aperture-f/2.8 ISO Speed-80
In this picture I was trying to get the plants growing in the row but they were about a half a inch tall. 
Shutter-1/40 Aperture-f/2.8 ISO Speed-80

Friday, May 25, 2012

These are my bubble pic
Shutter- 1/640
Aperture- f/3.5 ISO Speed- 80

Shutter- 1/640
Aperture-f/3.2 ISO Speed- 80

 Aperture-f/ 3.2  ISO Speed-80

Shutter- 1/400
 ISO Speed- 80

Shutter- 1/1000 Aperture-f/3.2 ISO Speed-80

Thursday, May 24, 2012

This is my grid pics
This to me forever it seemed like it was but i think it is worth it i think it turned out pretty good. I really like my eyes they look very blue in this picture. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

These are my pics from the Arboretum.
 Shutter-1/4000 Aperture-f/4.0 ISO Speed-160

Shutter-1/250 Aperture-f/4.0 ISO Speed-160

 Shutter-1/250 Aperture-f/2.8 ISO Speed-320
I really like this picture because the detail in the wings of the bug are pretty clear. Also I like the blades of grass swooping through the picture it really adds to it.
Shutter-1/250 Aperture-f/2.8 ISO Speed- 320

Shutter-1/250 Aperture-f/3.5 ISO Speed-160

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

These are my spring pictures.
 I really like this one even tough its not really springy.
Shutter-1/250 Aperture-f/2.8 ISO Speed-160

 Shutter-1/250 Aperture-f/3.2 ISO Speed-160

Shutter-1/250 Aperture-f/2.8 ISO Speed-320

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

These are my detail photos.
shutter speed: 1/ 320
Aperture:f/ 2.8
focal length: 6 mm
ISO: 80
I couldn't decide which style look better, so I put both on.

 Shutter speed: 1/100
Aperture: f/2.8
focal length: 6 mm
This picture is of moss... I think but I like it because it looks so retro/ coral.
Shutter speed: 1/ 125
Aperture: f/ 2.8
Focal length: 6 mm
ISO: 80
I like this picture of this vine/ flower because of how crisp and clear it is.

This is my album

I had blues. It was a little tricky because I do not really know blues. So I just looked
up a bunch of albums on the internet. My favorite one is the cover i like it because it is a 
old book so you can still see the words on the burnt pieces of paper.

Friday, April 13, 2012

This is my A-z project. I think m my favorite is my "Q" and "F"they are just random things.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

These are some of my favorites I have not posted yet. 

Shutter-1/13 Aperture-f/3.2 ISO Speed-320

 Shutter-1/125 Aperture-f/4.0 ISO Speed-80

Shutter-1/400 Aperture-f/5.0 ISO Speed-80

 Shutter-1/125 Aperture-f/4.0 ISO Speed-80

Shutter-1/60 Aperture-f/3.5 ISO Speed-320

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

These are my favorite pictures. This is my animal morph i don't think it turned out that good. 
Shutter:1/8 Aperture:f/2.8 ISO Speed:320
This is my ice picture. I like how the green thing is just sitting there by its self. 
Shutter:1/100 Aperture:f/4.0 ISO Speed:80
This one of my favorite pictures. I took this during out compisition assiment  it shows leading lines and horisontal lines.
Shutter:1/250 Aperture:f/4.0 ISO Speed:80

Friday, March 16, 2012

These are my pictures for ice. I like this one because the lines the ice make, they are going all different ways and the dirt in the background contrast with the texture of the ice.
Shutter:1/200 Aperture:f/4.0 ISO Speed:80 
This picture kinda reminds me of mountains and I like how the ice is so smooth.
Shutter:1/250 Aperture:f/4.5 ISO Speed:80
Shutter:1/100 Aperture:f/4.0 ISO Speed:80
Shutter:1/500 Aperture:f/5.6 ISO Speed:1000

Thursday, March 15, 2012

This is my animal morph. Well this is my cat and it took a really long time to get a picture that a could use. Then I put my eyes and mouth on it and it looks kinda like its mental. 
Shutter-1/8 Apertrue-f/2.8 ISO Speed-320

Thursday, March 1, 2012

These are  my pictures I took on difrent depths of feild. This one has a long depth of feild, stuff that is clouse is in focous and stuff that is far away is still in focous. I like this picture because it also has leading lines. The fence and the shadow of the fence make leading line and the cat is what they are leading to.
 Shutter-1/250 Aperture-f/.40 ISO Speed-80

In this picture I set the camra to the macro setting. That gave the picture a smaller depth of feild, so it is focoused on a small spot an the rest is blurry.
Shutter-1/100 Aperture-f/3.2 ISO Speed-125

In this picture I zoomed the camra almost all the way in. That gave me an even smaller depth of feild, so it is only focused on a tiny little part.
Shutter- 1/125 Aperture-f/3.7 ISO Speed-160

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

 I found thesepictures online for examples for depth of feild. I did not talke these picture.
This is and example of narrow depth of feild.

This is an example of medium depth of feild.

This is an example of large depth of feild.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

These are my pictures on difrent light.
The first one on the top was taken at about 7 in the morning, then the sun was just rising.
The one in the middle was taking about 1 in the afternoon. And the last one the one on the bottem was taking at about 5:30 ish when the sun what juat starting to set.
Picture1 Shutter-1/30 Aperture-f/3.5 ISO Speed-80
Picture2 Shutter-1/250 Aperture-f/5.0 ISO Speed-80
Picture3 Shutter-1/30 Aperture-f/3.5 ISO Speed-80

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

These are my pictures form our assiment on composition. I took this picture while was waliking around in my back yard. This picture was took right next to a old burn pile, and think it looks interesting with the bunt wood in the background.  I  took this picture from a cupple diffrent angels but I chose this one because I like the background. This was my picture for the rule of thirds.
Shutter-1/160 Aperture-f/4.0 ISO Speed-80

 I think this picture is cool because when you look at it your eyes are drawn to the glass ball, and the lines kinda frame it.This picture is for diaginal lines.
Shutter Speed-1/320 Apertrue-f/4.0 ISO Speed-80

 When I was taking picture my cat wouldnt leave me alone. He kept fowlling me every where, it was kinda anoing but I am glad  now because I got this picture. This is my picture for leading lines.
Shutter Speed-1/250 Aperture-f/4.0 ISO Speed-80
I like how in this picture it is focused on the one line and the others are kinda blurry. This picture is for horisontal lines.
Shutter Speed-1/200 Aperture-f/4.0 ISO Speed-80

This picture is of a really old scail, I think the inside of it is really unique. But it was kinda hard to take this picture because there is a piece of glass in frount of it. This is my picture for curved lines.
Shutter Speed-1/40 Aptertrure-f/2.8 ISO Speed-1000

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Foot Prints
I like this photo  because the foot prints are leading off the edge of the picture. And you cant really tell what make the foot prints either. Wheni first had my friend look at this picture she thougth it was a picture of foot prints in the sand at a beach. Now I really wish it was, I want it to be summer so bad!
Shutter-1/1000 Aperture-f/6.3 Focal Length-7.3mm ISO Speed- 80

Old Sign
I like this picture cua og the contrast between the fence post and the dead grass. I think this picture could be a lot better if there wasnt something on my lens when i took it.
Shutter-1/50 Aperture-f/3.2 Focal Length7.5mm  ISO Speed160

Washed Up Wood
This picture is  one of my favorites because if you look closely you see a leaf flat agenst the wood. When I took this picture I didn't even know it was there untill I started to edit it. Now thats the frist thing I see when I look at this picture. 
Shutter-1/60 Aperture-f/.32 Focal Length-9.3mm ISO Speed-160

Pine Sap
The reason I like this picture is because art first you don't really what you are look in at. Witch makes the picture kinda intriguing.
Shutter-1/13 Aperture-f/2.8 Focal Length-6.7mm ISO Speed-320